Important Notice

This policy aims to offer insights into the discussed subject matter, emphasizing that the Gaming and Wagering Commission does not provide legal opinions or professional advice. All individuals are urged to evaluate the relevance and accuracy of the information at their own discretion.


Legal Framework

In the City of China, gaming is defined within the scope of the Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 ("the Act") as:

“The participation in games of chance for monetary stakes, regardless of whether participants risk losing money or not.”

A game of chance is construed as:

“Excluding athletic contests or sports, it encompasses activities involving a degree of randomness, regardless of the presence of skill.”.

Furthermore, the definition of lottery encompasses:

“A method for the distribution of property based on chance, determined through various means such as drawing lots, numbers, or cards, or through devices like wheels.

The underlying principle of the Act is to enable organizations to raise funds for various purposes, provided that gaming or lottery activities are not geared towards personal gain or commercial ventures, through the issuance of permits.